1st dedicated school to cybersecurity
Don't study cybersecurity, live it.

CSB.SCHOOL at Campus Région du numérique
Our establishment is part of the digital region campus
ISO27001 Certification
Congratulations to our students: 100% success in the PECB ISO 27001 exams
Learn in real conditions
Based on the desire to make you operational in your future profession, our cybersecurity school offers you training courses made up of practical cases and professional equipment allowing you to practice in real working conditions.
Jobs matching
Personalized recruitment to help you find your work-study program. After studying your profile and assessing your knowledge, we put you in contact with our network of companies.
No grades
Effective work is collaborative work rather than a race for first place. The modules are or are not validated and cannot be compensated by obtaining an average.
Certification training
These certifications allow our students to stand out in the job market and enhance their professional career.
The BAC+3 and BAC+5 courses are accessible through work-study training, the training costs are then covered 100% by the companies.

Thiebaut Meyer Director, Office of the CISO. Google
Along with sustainable development, training is one of the pillars of Google Cloud's commitment in France. We are convinced that the cybersecurity sector must be supported through professional training. My participation in the Strategic Committee of CSB.School is the reflection of this commitment and this support.
360° school
Our courses, focused on managerial, technical and entrepreneurial aspects, are designed by cybersecurity and higher education professionals. Training effectively in cybersecurity requires, beyond a good technical mastery, many skills in fields as varied as compliance, communication or management.
At CSB.SCHOOL, we firmly believe that putting your know-how into practice is the key to success. This is why our work-study program begins from Bac+3. Our students thus have the opportunity to work in a company while continuing their studies, which allows them to gain valuable experience in the field of cybersecurity.
Stand out
Certification is an essential part of cybersecurity training. This is why our program integrates "by-design" the preparation and passing of globally recognized certifications, such as the CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker) or the CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional).
We offer our students a flexible training model, combining face-to-face courses, work-study programs and e-learning modules. This approach allows the creation of new stand-alone content, practical exercises and optional courses, providing a learning experience tailored to the needs of each student.
Our educational model is based on five main branches: Infrastructure and Architecture, Industrial, Information Systems Security, Governance, Risks and Compliance, and Offensive Cybersecurity. Each of these branches includes globally recognized certifications, the latest of which is the SecNumedu label.
For become an expert
Our cyber campuses in Lyon and Toulouse have modern infrastructure and cutting-edge equipment, providing an optimal learning environment for our students. Featuring equipped classrooms, research laboratories and collaborative work areas, our campuses are designed to foster innovation, collaboration and academic success.
100% Cybersecurity training
In order to reflect the reality of the cybersecurity market and its needs, our school has set up a strategic committee. This strategic committee's mission is to ensure the legitimacy of the modules proposed. Our Bac+3 prepares you for careers that are particularly focused on technology. Our Bac+5 prepares you for careers related to direction and management.
Our Intra-company training
From 2023 the CSB SCHOOL will offer you to train your employees to help them develop their different skills in the cybersecurity field. After a thorough study of the need by our development manager, you will be put in touch with our different pedagogical experts on the identified theme.
Bachelor Cybersecurity specialist
The perfect path for the technical professions of cybersecurity. At your entrance, select your specialty (IT - IT or Industrial - OT) and start the adventure! Gateways exist for people who have already validated training related to the world of cyber or wrongly judged "distant" from the world of cyber
Master Cybersecurity manager
This 2-year program allows you to master the fundamental skills required for the role of cybersecurity manager and promote your professional integration. Its cost of €15,000 net of tax per year is fully covered by our partner companies. CSB.SCHOOL is authorized to train and organize the assessment of the Level 7 Professional Title Expert in the development of cybersecurity solutions RNCP number 38463 under the authority of AN21.
Companies, at our side to accompany you
We share the conviction that training is one of the key answers to cybersecurity challenges. Together, with our partner companies, we want to support the diversity of profiles required to study cybersecurity and promote the variety of professions in this field. The list is updated on a regular basis.

Employability at the heart of the process
Because we don't always know what to do or how to do it. Because we have the right to change paths. Discover the list of the 30 cybersecurity professions covered by the CSB School and for which our partners recruit.

School news
Discover the latest news from our campuses in Lyon and Toulouse! New partnerships, exciting events and networking opportunities await you. Stay tuned for the latest news and exciting initiatives in cybersecurity and follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Cybersecurity Promotion Program